Automating note taking for vets

  1. Record your notes

  2. Copy them into the EMR

  3. Go home on time

WoofNotes is great for vets

  • Save up to 1 hour per day on writing your medical notes

  • Dictate between appointments, during a physical exam, while at your desk, or while commuting

  • Enhance accuracy while reducing mental load. Never forget which leg it is again

  • Reduce typos from room assistants

  • No need for specialized equipment: use your phone

How it works

  • Step 1

    Record the audio of your notes using your phone

    Record the audio of your notes using your phone
  • Step 2

    WoofNotes uses AI to transcribe the audio into text

    WoofNotes uses AI to transcribe the audio into text
  • Step 3

    Copy-paste the transcribed text into your electronic medical records

    Copy-paste the transcribed text into your electronic medical records

How to set up and use WoofNotes

WoofNotes runs on WhatsApp. To set up WoofNotes:

  1. Sign up here

  2. Download and install WhatsApp on your phone

  3. Create a new contact with the name “WoofNotes”. Be sure to use WoofNotes phone number provided in your welcome email

  4. Record a message and send it to WoofNotes: swipe up the green button, dictate your message, send it and get a transcribed response back

  5. Open on your desktop and copy-paste the transcribed notes into your EMR

That’s it! You can now send audio messages, receive transcribed notes and copy-paste them into the EMR.


WoofNotes does not store your data, your audio, or the transcribed text.

Data Security

WoofNotes uses WhatsApp to record your audio and send the transcribed text back to you. Audio and text are end-to-end encrypted as per standard WhatsApp protocols.

Who we are

  • Avani

    I’m an experienced Machine Learning Engineer. I’m married to a vet. I know how hard he works. I made WoofNotes so that he could spend less time working from home entering medical records.

  • Anna

    I love building products that solve problems and make a meaningful difference to people’s lives. Seeing the positive impact WoofNotes had on Avani's husband has inspired me to help other veterinarians achieve similar improvements in their professional work and personal quality of life.